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21-Day Series: How to take care of your health in 7 minutes per day?

“Self-Healing in Michigan” 21-DAYS SERIES “How to Take Care of your Health in 7 minutes per day " With great joy, I am starting the 21-Day Series in English "How to Take Care of Health in 7 Minutes Daily" FREE  ONLINE

Welcome to the 21-Day Series. A free experience with no purchase of any extra material required. Where I take a few minutes per-day sharing body movements that lead you to explore your body and health in the comfort of your home and advantage of the time which suits you.

It takes at least 147 minutes of your life, sharing small moments of pure discovery and transformation, which can make a big difference in your day-to-day. Within these 2.5 hours, over the next 21 days. Learn to explore your health through simple and smooth movements that activate your Nervous Relaxation System, propagating a natural state of well-being.

Target Audience:

  • People who want to start taking care of their health, but don't know where to start;

  • Students in training in the Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method, who want to work discipline in self-care, through daily and straightforward attitudes, providing a growing body / internal organization to complement their learning;

  • Elderly or sedentary people;

  • Healthy people or people with limited movement;

  • People who, despite their busy lives, are also concerned with health;

  • YOU, only you, who want to learn something new, for 7 minutes daily, and explore your health potential, from a simple movement, which can become very profound and transformative.

Do you know anyone who can benefit from this 21-day series as well? Publicize, share, your Health Thanks!

Sign up today “Self-Healing in Michigan”

Start: April 01, 2021. ONLINE


I'll see you there, Andrea Sula, OT, LMT Instructor of the Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method Creator of "Self-Healing Me Faz Crescer" & Self-Healing in Michigan

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